If a business obtains the ability to operate 24/7 on its own, you can only imagine the benefits that will emerge with online promotions. The key is not only to promote the website but modify the behavior of website visitors through usability, design, onsite promotion and creating brand awareness. We will take a quick look at three factors to consider when evaluating your ecommerce solutions.
1. Tracking Results and Transactions
- Through Google analytics you can track your total revenue, conversion rate, average order value, product performance, transactions, visits to purchase, days to purchase and more. It is important to track your performance online in order to understand which forms of marketing are most effective. Take advantage of online tools that can help you track your results more effectively. It is also helpful if your ecommerce web designer can Integrate Ecommerce and CMS to allow for better catalog and data management.
2. Ecommerce Community
- Learn from others by joining ecommerce networking groups such as Practical Ecommerce. This is an online community with blogs, articles, webinars, podcasts and more. It is good to learn from other people and share helpful tips. This is a good way to gain insight but also to build your reputation and trust in an online community and promote your business by contributing something of value. Other ways to get involved are through Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn and Blog Marketing. Any way you can promote your products through giving back to a community will really play a large role in improving brand awareness. Through social networks you can offer coupons and discounts to your dedicated fans and loyal shoppers. It is a great platform to connect with potential customers.
3. Ensure the Security of your Ecommerce Site
- The main concern of online shoppers is that people don’t trust a website enough to give out their valuable and personal information. Security is a big part of online stores and must be evident to the buyer that the site is secure. The World Wide Consortium (w3c) has anElectronic Ecommerce Interest Group which sets standards and best practices for ecommerce websites to ensure the security of the buyer’s information. It is always important to include a Privacy Policy to inform users how their information will be used and who it will be distributed to. This is a good way to build the confidence of the buyer and hold the merchant accountable to the privacy of each buyer.